Smile. It is something I think we should do more often. I have always said "laugh/laughter" are my favorite words because laughing brings happy people. Smiling and laughing produce the same result: Happiness. I have made a personal goal recently to make other people around me smile. I want to do things that would make others smile; even if only for a second. I wanted to change up my life and look at the true things in life that really make me happy.
When people asks me "what makes you happy?" I always answer with my family. They are the most important people in my life. I would not have accomplished so many great things in my life without them by my side. I am grateful for my family in every aspect possible! I am a Roseman through and through. I wouldn't have it any other way! I love my family!
In the process of changing, I wanted my appearance to have a different look. I LOVE getting my nails done at the salon, but I know right now I am in no position to spend money for frivolous commodities. To improvise, I had Missa paint my nails! Just as good as the salon? I think so! I wanted something to remind me of happiness and that is exactly what they do! Every time I look at my nails I always smile! Thanks Missa! Oh, and I styled my bangs differently... what do you think

Now we are down to my most recent and happiest attempt at making the people around me smile. I am always dancing. It is not always graceful and with the best technique, but it is pretty constant. I love "ugly dancing" around the apartment. "What is ugly dancing?" you ask - Well let me share with you good citizen! It is dancing however you want, to any beat, no matter who is around. It is ... well... pretty ugly sometimes.
My favorite activity is to drive around Stg with windows down and music up while dancing in the car. Mostly I get to watch Missa dance while I drive... but when those red lights hit; you better believe we dance it out! People watch and always smile and laugh and I don't care if it is at my expense. That is one more person who is smiling. It makes me happy to dance in the car at red lights. Makes them more fun and not annoying!
To continue with this thought I will explain my happiest/recent event to make somebody smile. Missa and I went to Wal-Mart today. We like to take the iTouch in with us and listen to music while we shop (allows us to dance everywhere). Well today as we were walking in the parking lot Missa was getting a song ready on the Pod when we could hear music from a car a few stalls away. It was a song I hadn't heard in a while but definitely had a good beat. I couldn't help but dance. He was in front of us backing out so he couldn't really see me dancing but by the time he finished backing out he was behind us. He had a clear shot of my "beautiful" dance moves. I danced until he passed by while Missa noticed him looking over to smile as he drove past. Mission Accomplished!
"A smile confuses an approaching frown." ~Author Unknown
Way to save money on your nails!! I'm so proud of you. Jackson is really into being frugal right now too, because he wants to save all of our money for Disneyland. Your bangs look cute, but I like the old way better. This style is more like how everyone else wears bangs. The other style isn't so common and more unique, so I like that. But you should do whatever makes you feel good. They both look great.