I have really taken a liking to my new outlook on life. Be happy. Smile. Laugh. Love every second of life, because it is yours. I feel a lot happier and I feel like I have a stronger grasp on what I want to accomplish. To help this, I have been getting organized. I arranged all my folders on my computer AND I even bought a cute day planner! I love it! I had one that was black. It was very chic, but my new one is very cute! I like it so much better.

On with the week. Last Sunday a member of our bishopric asked if anybody wanted to volunteer at the St. George half marathon the following weekend. Since I love service, naturally I signed up. Missa and I went to the rec. center around 6:00 to help out. An extra bonus was that we also got free T-shirts that say volunteer and St. George half marathon. As volunteers, we passed out bibs, name tags, bags, and the chips they put on their shoes to track the distance. Missa and I got to work with some very fun and nice people. The lady I was working with had eight children! Amazing! She was volunteering with her husband to take her children to Disneyland. She hasn't been in over ten years! Missa also worked with a very funny guy. He thought it would be fun to compete against my table to pass out bibs. Something really neat to me was I saw my seventh grade science teacher! She was down there to race. It was fun for me because as soon as I told her my name, she recognized me and was able to remember me. All together, the volunteer work was very fun. We were there for a little over three hours. I just love service and the happiness it brings into my life!
"I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve." - Albert Schweitzer
Wow, your planner looks like my blog background - I love it of course!! And I'm always a fan of being organized. So was that your Disney service too? If that lady was doing it for that, it could have been yours too.