"After all these years, I see that I was mistaken about Eve in the beginning; it is better to live outside the Garden with her than inside it without her." ~ Mark Twain
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Jealousy Is Radiating Through My Body..
I know, I know.... we aren't supposed to be jealous. We are supposed to be happy with what we have. But, I have not had this opportunity yet. Therefore, I am jealous.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Roseman through and through!


My mother has given me unconditional love. She has taken the responsibility of a mother to heart. She has done whatever possible to make her family her main priority. My mother didn'tmiss a single dance competition. She made sure to support me through my dancing career. When I moved away to college, my mother was the person who found the dance instructor position. My mother cares about all of her children and wants all of them to be happy. Even when I was going through a dark time in my life, my mom stood by me. She cared for me even when I was a difficult child. She has a smile that can light up the whole room. I appreciate her earnest endeavors to make our family the strong unit it is today. I love my mother.
Jeni is my only sister. I wouldn't want it any other way. She is my best friend. I always look up to her. She is a shining example of how I want my life to be. She is frugal, crafty, efficient, organized, and so much more! She cares about her family; more than that, she loves the gospel. She is beautiful inside and outside. She has four gorgeous children. Jeni has a tremendous job. She has made a life out of the time she has been given. She has helped me through my times of struggle. She has taught me about forgiveness and ways to learn lessons from my mistakes. She has helped me through school. She wants the best for those that are close to her. I love my sister, Jeni.
Jared has seen the other side of the tracks. He has seen bright days, and some not so bright. However, through these times, Jared maintained an optimistic attitude. Jared makes the best out of a bad situation. He is also my vault. I can tell Jared anything and he gives me the advice I need, and then it is forgotten. He cares about the people around him. He has a fabulous job to provide for himself and others. He is "happy go lucky!" I love my brother, Jared.
Stanton has been extremely supportive through every decision I have made. He has helped me reach my fullest potential. Through high school, he made sure I filled out applications, he helped me with positions at Dixie, he helped me stay focused during Project 3000, he let me stay at his house whenever I liked. Now that we live in St. George together, he still makes sure I am on the right track. He is my protective brother. He helps me get the best out of life. He is blunt about things that need to be heard. Although he wont admit it, I secretly believe he is a hawk-face. I love my brother, Stanton

Brian, so much about Brian. I am so grateful to have spent so much time with him. I loved that we got to go to school together. I will never forget the times in high school when we would go to the movies together. He even practiced how to hold a girls hand as we walked up to the movies on me. One Friday night we went to a football game vs. Provo high and after the game we went to Corpse Bride. He wasn't embarrassed of me during high school. In fact, he embraced our family bond. He stood up for me. We talked in the hall way and at school events. We did things together after school. Brian is very smart. He values his education. His decision to go on a mission is a shining example to me. Brian does not like contention. He is a peacemaker at heart! He wants the best for our family and his future family. He is wonderful. I love my brother, Brian.
I am proud to be a Roseman!
When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses. ~Joyce Brothers
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
"All That I Need Is This Moment To Send Me Away With A Smile On My Face."
I have really taken a liking to my new outlook on life. Be happy. Smile. Laugh. Love every second of life, because it is yours. I feel a lot happier and I feel like I have a stronger grasp on what I want to accomplish. To help this, I have been getting organized. I arranged all my folders on my computer AND I even bought a cute day planner! I love it! I had one that was black. It was very chic, but my new one is very cute! I like it so much better.

"I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve." - Albert Schweitzer
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
With one little action.. the chain reaction..
Our latest attempts to make somebody smile proved to be very rewarding. For me at least. To understand why we chose them you need to know about our transportation system. My car is struggling so I can only drive it when I REALLY have to. I have been trying to exercise more so I used this as my violent shove into the exercise plan. I started riding the bus to work, but by the time I am off work the bus doesn't come by anymore. Instead of being dragged down and panic, I used this as my opportunity to run! I run home from work. Apparently it did well because I lost four pounds this last week. Anyway, for our attempt to make somebody smile Missa had a great idea. We were riding the bus to go to the store and noticed it was very quiet and not a lot of people were smiling. While we were out shopping we picked up some balloons at the dollar store and arranged them into a bouquet. Next time we saw the bus driver we gave him our balloons. He was confused at first. Non-the-less he tied them to some bars on in the bus. I like to think it helped brighten up a bus ride for somebody.
The next day was probably my favorite attempt for our smiles for everybody mission. On Saturday afternoon Missa and I went to lunch at Olive Garden. We are both eating better for the GSP (Get Sexy Program) so lunch gets pretty cheap when you order a salad and the other orders a soup. Next we ordered a dessert. "You can't have dessert on the GSP!!" you might say... and you would be right. It wasn't for us. We coupled our money and bought dessert for a random table. There were two female ladies a few booths away from us that turned into the lucky recipients. I was already so excited at this point. I felt like I did good. However, to my surprise, they turned around and bought dessert for another table! It was neat to see this big chain reaction begin in the restaurant! I was definitely smiling.
"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up." ~Mark Twain
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Smile :)
Smile. It is something I think we should do more often. I have always said "laugh/laughter" are my favorite words because laughing brings happy people. Smiling and laughing produce the same result: Happiness. I have made a personal goal recently to make other people around me smile. I want to do things that would make others smile; even if only for a second. I wanted to change up my life and look at the true things in life that really make me happy.
When people asks me "what makes you happy?" I always answer with my family. They are the most important people in my life. I would not have accomplished so many great things in my life without them by my side. I am grateful for my family in every aspect possible! I am a Roseman through and through. I wouldn't have it any other way! I love my family!
In the process of changing, I wanted my appearance to have a different look. I LOVE getting my nails done at the salon, but I know right now I am in no position to spend money for frivolous commodities. To improvise, I had Missa paint my nails! Just as good as the salon? I think so! I wanted something to remind me of happiness and that is exactly what they do! Every time I look at my nails I always smile! Thanks Missa! Oh, and I styled my bangs differently... what do you think

Now we are down to my most recent and happiest attempt at making the people around me smile. I am always dancing. It is not always graceful and with the best technique, but it is pretty constant. I love "ugly dancing" around the apartment. "What is ugly dancing?" you ask - Well let me share with you good citizen! It is dancing however you want, to any beat, no matter who is around. It is ... well... pretty ugly sometimes.
My favorite activity is to drive around Stg with windows down and music up while dancing in the car. Mostly I get to watch Missa dance while I drive... but when those red lights hit; you better believe we dance it out! People watch and always smile and laugh and I don't care if it is at my expense. That is one more person who is smiling. It makes me happy to dance in the car at red lights. Makes them more fun and not annoying!
To continue with this thought I will explain my happiest/recent event to make somebody smile. Missa and I went to Wal-Mart today. We like to take the iTouch in with us and listen to music while we shop (allows us to dance everywhere). Well today as we were walking in the parking lot Missa was getting a song ready on the Pod when we could hear music from a car a few stalls away. It was a song I hadn't heard in a while but definitely had a good beat. I couldn't help but dance. He was in front of us backing out so he couldn't really see me dancing but by the time he finished backing out he was behind us. He had a clear shot of my "beautiful" dance moves. I danced until he passed by while Missa noticed him looking over to smile as he drove past. Mission Accomplished!
"A smile confuses an approaching frown." ~Author Unknown
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Visiting Neverland
I can only associate my dream with my extreme love for Disneyland and my desire to be young at heart. Last night I had a wonderful dream and when I woke up, my feelings from the dream still had me on a "high" if you will.
In my dream I was with my family in an airplane. Fairly common for my family. Well, we went to go do what looked like sky diving but it was definitely not. It was night time on our plane but there was enough light for us to see. We all held on to keys from our cars and jumped out of the plane... AND WE COULD FLY! Our instructor (Dr. Bailey from Grey's Anatomy) kept telling us to think of flying and lifting up. My dad stayed by me to help me stay in the air. He was much better at this than I was. Fast forward in my dream... I was with Dr. Bailey and we were near a building trying to teach others to fly with us. I held my car key above me, thought about flying, and up I went. If you stay straight up and down- your rise. If you lay on your stomach- you go forward. And if you lay on your back- you will lower to the ground. I went up high enough to be above the city and watch the cars pass by and look over the tall buildings. I surrounded myself with clouds often. This is something I wanted to share with everybody.
Unfortunately, I woke up. All dreams come to an end when reality sinks in. However, secretly, I still believe I can fly...... :)
"They say if you dream a thing more than once, it's sure to come true." - Briar Rose
Wendy: But, Peter, how do we get to Never Land?
Peter Pan: Fly, of course.
Wendy: Fly?
Peter Pan: It's easy! All you have to do is to.... is to...Ha! That's funny.
Wendy: What's the matter? Don't you know?
Peter Pan: Oh, sure. It's.... it's just that I never thought about it before. Say, that's it! You think of a wonderful thought.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Since U Been Gone
Now that I have began the process of writing again, I'm going to be a like a fire hydrant that can't be turned off. Something that has been on my mind is Elder Herrmann. I miss Nathan very much. I think about him every day. I miss how casually I could talk to him. He was a text, phone call, or even a short drive away. I use the blanket he made me every day just to be a bit closer. I ache to have that freedom back again. But... I know he made one of the best choices in his life. I will be as supportive as I can as one of the inseparable (in heart) trio. I miss Nathor... Good luck elder! 665 days!
D&C 4: 4 "For behold the field is white and already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul;"

Friday, January 8, 2010
Body Language
So, it has almost been a year since I began this whole "blog" idea. A lot has happened this year and each thing has molded me to be the person I am now. There are obstacles I wish I didn't have to go through, but in hind-sight I realized I needed those in my life.
A new year has started and I couldn't be more excited to see what is going to happen this year. I had a very difficult time last year (Creed) and I did not think of Stg as the place I always remembered it. When I was little it was the vay-cay spot of the year. Moving down here last year did not produce the same results. However, I have let go of the things holding me back(Creed). Every time I walk outside I am overwhelmed with the beauty and happiness Stg offers. When I drive to work I love having the windows down with my favorite song while driving through the streets of Stg. I wan to become independent. I don't want to use my parents assets. Soon I will not be a teenager anymore. It is time I do things for myself and make decisions on my own. I am working on staying positive. Life is good. I am embracing the things that come my way. I AM GOING TO HOLLAND!
This year has proven to be full of events and joys I cannot fully comprehend! I absolutely LOVE having my best friend as my roommate! She knows me better than I know myself-literally! We laugh constantly, and laughing is what gets me from day to day. We get to experience things that some people don't. We have many adventures in the future and I can't wait to see what is in store!
This is only the beginning of my happily ever after.
"You'll never leave where you are until you decide where you'd rather be."

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