Friday, April 30, 2010


Packing. Unpacking. Cleaning. De-junk. Everything that moving brings with it....

It is all a very big process me. I like to hold on to memories so I can be kind of a pack rat at times. I am really working on throwing old things out right now. One of my tougher moments was getting rid of my old drill team clothes.... I know that sounds petty :)

No matter how difficult it is, I am very excited to be moving! I am moving to Washington to live with a long family friend, Tiera, and her roommate Sam. I am excited to have roommates with good standards and who will come home at night! I am excited to live with such great friends! Over the last couple months I have realized that some people I considered important in my life are not as big as I made them out to be. That is partly why I am so excited for this move. It will be a great change that will cause great outcomes. I'm moving forward. I am extremely grateful for family and for their patience throughout all of this.

Hopefully I will be moved in by Tuesday, at the latest. :)

p.s. Birthday post/pictures are coming soon!

"Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious... and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." ~ Walt Disney

Monday, April 5, 2010

10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week

I get really excited when General Conference comes around. It allows me to hear counsel from the Lord by way of Modern Day Prophets. I love this gospel. :)

I watched Aladdin! I haven't seen it in years! Loved my stroll down memory lane. :)

I tried some new make-up! I love playing with eye shadow and mixing colors. I got some new eye shadow and I was very excited to try new colors. The lighting does not do the eye shadow color justice. It looks very neat in person. :)
This sign makes me laugh EVERY time. :)

This was an all-around lovely day. I curled my hair, had nice make-up, wore high heels and I got lots of compliments on my efforts for getting ready. Tiera, Stanton, Dee and I went to dinner and then to the movie to see Bounty Hunter (which I loved). Wonderful day. :)

I love my family. I love ice cream. Putting those two together = masterpiece. It was nice for Stanton and me to spend time with my aunt Gaylene and her family at Cold Stone. :)
I spent a lot of time with these kids when I was younger. They are growing up so fast! when they were saying goodbye to me, they both came up to give me a big hug at the same time! :)
I really like having my brother live so close to me. We have some really fun times together! Over the weekend we were able to eat dinner at a restaurant called Haven. It was my first time. This picture was taken at dinner (hence the lighting) :)
I got to drive a Challenger! It was very exciting and very fun! My aunt Gaylene and uncle Les rented this car for the weekend. Gaylene asked if she was driving or Les, and Les said "Why don't we let Sarah drive?" I couldn't say no :)

I sure do love me some f'reals! My friend Noah took me to get a chocolate f'real... Enough said about happiness. :)

One more for good luck...
I was fortunate enough to see a cop picking his nose while at a stop light. :)

"People are just as happy as they make their minds up to be."
~Abraham Lincoln