Thursday, May 27, 2010

My very own Twilight

So I had my blood drawn and then I went to Wal-Mart. I was in the check out line when a nice man with a spanish accent started talking to me. Here is the convo:

Man- Looks like somebody was bit by a vampire.
Me- Excuse me?
Man- Your arm (motioning to where my blood was taken)
Me- Oh right! Kinda looks like that doesn't it?
Man- I bet you were confused. Touching your neck trying to remember what happened last night?
Me- Haha that is impossible.
Man- What is impossible?
Me- Something happening last night.

I thought it was funny :)

The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. ~e.e. cummings

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Dancing Through Life!

I love to dance! I can't even describe my passion and love for dance! I am trying to stay on top of my technique so I can try out for Thriller this fall! I plan to continue dancing after I get my nursing degree. I really want to go to California to be a dancer at Disneyland. It only makes sense because I love Disney so dang much! :)

I feel so lucky to teach dance at an amazing studio! I work under a fabulous director! She works with my schedule and helps me when I need it. She is calm and patient. I couldn't ask for a better employer. The students... well they are pretty incredible too! They are so great and respond so well to my crazy ideas for choreography. They are very hard workers as well. They are progressing so much every day. I absolutely adore teaching at Desert Edge Dance Company!

"To dance is to give oneself up to the rhythms of all life" ~ Dr. Maya V. Patel

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Photo Happy

I just got a lot of pictures (FINALLY) that I have wanted to post for a while. That is basically all this post is.. pictures :)

Sometimes... I get happy when I read messages from my brother :)

Sometimes... I smile big when cranes do this for Mother's Day :)

Sometimes... We have a great yard sale :)

Sometimes... My mom and I laugh about the past :)

Sometimes... My parents come to Stg with Japanese friends :)

Sometimes... Noah and I go on a date to see Jon Schmidt then go to karaoke :)

Sometimes... I write "Happy Birthday To ME!" on my legs (very faint).

Sometimes... I get carried away

Sometimes I like fun make-up for my birthday :)

Sometimes... I take lots of pictures with lots of people to remember my birthday :)

Sometimes... Tiera makes "S" and "Sar-Bear" pancakes for my birthday :)

Sometimes... We rock it at competition :)

Sometimes... I model for Tiera :)