Monday, November 8, 2010

Update.. Again?

So... I write.. then wait months... then write... then wait months. I'm starting to believe this blog was strictly set up for updates only. I guess a picture is worth a thousand words so I will let them do the talking :)

"Making creativity through diversity"

Menu Bandits

Noah and me

My zombie self

Zombie Zumba!

Halloween make-up for work

Visitor at work

"Cause this is Thriller..."

"... Thriller night"

California Adventure!

DSC homecoming football game

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Color our tomorrows with the best of our yesterdays :)

Yes, I cried during this video.

"Love is the fire that warms our lives with unparalleled joy and divine hope."
~Author unknown

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Healing for Life

Yet another reason why I love my job.

"To ease another's heartache is to forget one's own."
~Abraham Lincoln

Monday, September 20, 2010

Families Can Be Together Forever

Today I went with Tiera to take photos for her photography class. We went to Santa Clara, Dixie Rock, and the St. George Temple. I was really excited to go to the temple!

We got to the temple and sat on the sidewalk by the stairs on the east side. While we were there I heard a mother talking to her son. He was maybe two or three years old.

She told him, "Did you know Mommy and Daddy got married in the temple so we could be a family forever?"

It was just about the cutest thing I have heard in a while. :)

"Husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children. 'Children are an heritage of the Lore' (Psalm 127:3). Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever they live."
~ The Family: A Proclamation to the World.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Sometimes.. you have to play the game

So.. the biggest news of recently is I got a job! Anybody who reads this already knows, but it is great therapy for me to type it out. I work with Intermountain Healthcare. I have waited for a job with Intermountain for years and years so it is a dream come true! I am an employee on the Acute Rehab floor working night shift. That has been quite the task for me since I was the person who ALWAYS fell asleep first... but I like it. I work with amazing people! Staying awake isn't too bad as long as I get a nap during the day. I am SO SO SO happy to work with Intermountain and in a hospital setting!

I love my new house. I actually rearranged my room today. It is beautiful and I have fabulous roommates. It looks like a real house and it is beautiful. I am surrounded by good influences and I get to spend time with my brother, a lot. I feel like it was a great move for me. It is a step in the right direction.

I still have my bumps in the road. We all have our cross to carry. I have had plenty of set backs.. it is clear by reading this blog. This is where most of my troubles pan out. I still don't feel like all of my pieces are put together.. and I don't feel like everything is right at this exact moment... but I know it is what I am supposed to be doing. This is what I need to do. This will help me become the person I know I am.

"Nothing is permanent in this world. Not even our troubles." ~ Charlie Chaplin

Thursday, May 27, 2010

My very own Twilight

So I had my blood drawn and then I went to Wal-Mart. I was in the check out line when a nice man with a spanish accent started talking to me. Here is the convo:

Man- Looks like somebody was bit by a vampire.
Me- Excuse me?
Man- Your arm (motioning to where my blood was taken)
Me- Oh right! Kinda looks like that doesn't it?
Man- I bet you were confused. Touching your neck trying to remember what happened last night?
Me- Haha that is impossible.
Man- What is impossible?
Me- Something happening last night.

I thought it was funny :)

The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. ~e.e. cummings

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Dancing Through Life!

I love to dance! I can't even describe my passion and love for dance! I am trying to stay on top of my technique so I can try out for Thriller this fall! I plan to continue dancing after I get my nursing degree. I really want to go to California to be a dancer at Disneyland. It only makes sense because I love Disney so dang much! :)

I feel so lucky to teach dance at an amazing studio! I work under a fabulous director! She works with my schedule and helps me when I need it. She is calm and patient. I couldn't ask for a better employer. The students... well they are pretty incredible too! They are so great and respond so well to my crazy ideas for choreography. They are very hard workers as well. They are progressing so much every day. I absolutely adore teaching at Desert Edge Dance Company!

"To dance is to give oneself up to the rhythms of all life" ~ Dr. Maya V. Patel

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Photo Happy

I just got a lot of pictures (FINALLY) that I have wanted to post for a while. That is basically all this post is.. pictures :)

Sometimes... I get happy when I read messages from my brother :)

Sometimes... I smile big when cranes do this for Mother's Day :)

Sometimes... We have a great yard sale :)

Sometimes... My mom and I laugh about the past :)

Sometimes... My parents come to Stg with Japanese friends :)

Sometimes... Noah and I go on a date to see Jon Schmidt then go to karaoke :)

Sometimes... I write "Happy Birthday To ME!" on my legs (very faint).

Sometimes... I get carried away

Sometimes I like fun make-up for my birthday :)

Sometimes... I take lots of pictures with lots of people to remember my birthday :)

Sometimes... Tiera makes "S" and "Sar-Bear" pancakes for my birthday :)

Sometimes... We rock it at competition :)

Sometimes... I model for Tiera :)

Friday, April 30, 2010


Packing. Unpacking. Cleaning. De-junk. Everything that moving brings with it....

It is all a very big process me. I like to hold on to memories so I can be kind of a pack rat at times. I am really working on throwing old things out right now. One of my tougher moments was getting rid of my old drill team clothes.... I know that sounds petty :)

No matter how difficult it is, I am very excited to be moving! I am moving to Washington to live with a long family friend, Tiera, and her roommate Sam. I am excited to have roommates with good standards and who will come home at night! I am excited to live with such great friends! Over the last couple months I have realized that some people I considered important in my life are not as big as I made them out to be. That is partly why I am so excited for this move. It will be a great change that will cause great outcomes. I'm moving forward. I am extremely grateful for family and for their patience throughout all of this.

Hopefully I will be moved in by Tuesday, at the latest. :)

p.s. Birthday post/pictures are coming soon!

"Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious... and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." ~ Walt Disney

Monday, April 5, 2010

10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week

I get really excited when General Conference comes around. It allows me to hear counsel from the Lord by way of Modern Day Prophets. I love this gospel. :)

I watched Aladdin! I haven't seen it in years! Loved my stroll down memory lane. :)

I tried some new make-up! I love playing with eye shadow and mixing colors. I got some new eye shadow and I was very excited to try new colors. The lighting does not do the eye shadow color justice. It looks very neat in person. :)
This sign makes me laugh EVERY time. :)

This was an all-around lovely day. I curled my hair, had nice make-up, wore high heels and I got lots of compliments on my efforts for getting ready. Tiera, Stanton, Dee and I went to dinner and then to the movie to see Bounty Hunter (which I loved). Wonderful day. :)

I love my family. I love ice cream. Putting those two together = masterpiece. It was nice for Stanton and me to spend time with my aunt Gaylene and her family at Cold Stone. :)
I spent a lot of time with these kids when I was younger. They are growing up so fast! when they were saying goodbye to me, they both came up to give me a big hug at the same time! :)
I really like having my brother live so close to me. We have some really fun times together! Over the weekend we were able to eat dinner at a restaurant called Haven. It was my first time. This picture was taken at dinner (hence the lighting) :)
I got to drive a Challenger! It was very exciting and very fun! My aunt Gaylene and uncle Les rented this car for the weekend. Gaylene asked if she was driving or Les, and Les said "Why don't we let Sarah drive?" I couldn't say no :)

I sure do love me some f'reals! My friend Noah took me to get a chocolate f'real... Enough said about happiness. :)

One more for good luck...
I was fortunate enough to see a cop picking his nose while at a stop light. :)

"People are just as happy as they make their minds up to be."
~Abraham Lincoln